fps frame

Benchmarking utility for DirectX and OpenGL graphic programs to report frame rates, perform screen capture, and record realtime videos.

相關軟體 FRAPS 下載

Fraps是一套圖型效能評量的程式,是一個螢幕畫面擷取程式,更是一個螢幕畫面錄影程式,這個錄影功能是其最出名的地方,是在網路上可以看到有不少人,會使用Fraps做線上游戲(操作或其它)的錄影,並分享給別人觀看。 Fraps的運作運作是在DirectX或OpenGL的技術下,在這兩種圖型模式下,您可以利用Fraps的功能做操作。...

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  • 幀率或影格率是用於測量顯示張數的量度。測量單位為「每秒顯示張數」( Frame per Second,FPS)或「赫茲」,一般來說FPS用於描述影片、電子繪圖或遊戲每秒播放多少幀。...
    幀率 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
  • Benchmarking utility for DirectX and OpenGL graphic programs to report frame rates, perfor...
    Fraps - Official Site
  • Silent films Early silent films had stated frame rates anywhere from 16 to 24 frames per s...
    Frame rate - Wikipedia
  • Fraps can show fps (frame rate) in Windows PC games! Fraps performs video capture, screen ...
    FPS (Frames Per Second) - FRAPS game capture video recorder ...
  • If the delta is high enough, the Encoder automatically creates a new key frame. Factors Th...
    Understanding Frames Per Second (FPS)
  • 當我們要比較 3D 程式的效率, frame rate 是一個很重要的資料. 但是, 算 frame rate 也算得正確才有意思呀. 這次, 我就介紹一下如何算 frame ra...
    glut 教學 - 計算 frame rate 的正確方法 OpenGL 程式設計俱 ...
  • 多數玩家在執行遊戲時,大多會調整畫面品質,將FPS目標值設在60幀,然而遇到效能偏低的瞬間,前後畫格 ... 此外畫格佇列與frame buffer,都具有可以暫存畫格的能力,所以...
    影像順暢度深度解析:破解 FPS 盲點、找出影像頓呆的主因 | T客 ...
  • Each frame consists of a number of horizontal scan lines. These represent the number of sc...
    What is Frames Per Second (FPS)? - Definition from ...
  • 60 frames per second with and without motion blur Motion blur is a natural effect when you...
    Compare frames per second: which looks better?
  • FPS: A common yet flawed metric of game performance One of the most common ways to provide...
    FPS Versus Frame Time - Welcome to the MVPs.org home page! ...